Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Episode 8: Quotation Marks

Are you better with quotes than Joey is?

Today we cover the basic rules for using quotation marks if you're an American writer writing for an American audience. (You Brits are on your own. Sorry, dudes.)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Episode 7: Done & Done

This week at GUMshoes, we've got a special episode for you! We discuss the accountability system that we developed years ago, and how we've turned it into a book.

It's called Done & Done: The Power of Accountability Partnering for Reaching Your Goals. Since Annette and I became accountability partners almost four years ago, we've accomplished a lot:

Luisa has written FOUR novels and several short stories, essays, and songs. (And co-written one book!) She's had demanding church assignments (she currently teaches a daily early morning scripture study class to 14 high school students), community volunteer opportunities--and she's got six kids.

Annette has gotten even more writing done. She's written SIX novels, SEVEN novellas, significantly revised and expanded her grammar book, and co-written this book! That's about 600,000 words in just shy of four years. Mind-bogglingly cool. She has also edited many other people's books and kept her own household going (she has four kids).

Despite our busy writing lives, we've worked hard to put our faith and family first: worship, scripture study, Date Nights, Family Home Evenings, vacations, toilet training, college and mission applications, recitals, and athletic events--two awesome husbands and ten active kids have always been at the top of our priority list.

We tell you all this not to brag, but to illustrate what can be accomplished when you make and share a plan and then stick to it through the power of accountability. Truly, great things come from small, consistent daily activities.

Get the book, try the system out for yourself, and see what YOU can get Done & Done!


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Episode 6: "Imply" vs. "Infer"

Image from quickmeme.com

In today's episode, we give you a quick and easy tip to ensure that you're using "infer" and "imply" correctly. Listen in and avoid Keanu's fate!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Episode 5: "There Is" and "There Are"

Image from thinkgeek.com

Today we talk about the expletives "there is" and "there are," and why one of them is so frequently used incorrectly. (Hint: it's a contraction issue.) Can YOU keep them straight?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Episode 4: Commas before Nouns of Direct Address

Image from copywritingtipsguide.com

Hello, listeners! Episode four takes on the need for commas before nouns of direct address. (Not sure what that is? Hint: there's one in the first sentence of this paragraph.)

To illustrate our points, Annette uses examples from her practical and user-friendly manual, There, Their, They're.  As always, leave us questions and comments!